Bibliography 2001-2015

For introductory notes on the Bibliography, see page Bibliography up to 2000. For earlier or later publications, see the pages Bibliography up to 2000 and Bibliography 2016-present.


 Boiteau,G, Colpitts,B 2001 Electronic tags for the tracking of insects in flight: effect of weight on flight performance of adult Colorado potato beetles. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 100:187-193. AN02442

 Drake, VA, Gregg, PC, Harman, IT, Wang, H-K, Deveson, ED, Hunter, DM, Rochester, WA 2001 Characterizing insect migration systems in inland Australia with novel and traditional methodologies. Pp. 207-233 in Insect Movement: Mechanisms and Consequences (IP Woiwod, DR Reynolds, & CD Thomas, eds) CAB International, Wallingford, UK. AN02436

Khandwalla, A, Sekelsky, SM, Li, L., Bergada, M 2001 Theory and observations between Ka-band and W-band to explain scattering differences from insects. Eleventh ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings, Atlanta, Georgia, March 19-23, 2001. Available online at <>. AN03070

 Martner,BE, Moran,KP 2001 Using cloud radar polarization mesurements to evaluate stratus cloud and insect echoes. J. Geophysical Res. 106(D5):4891-4897. AN02389

 Riley,JR, Osborne,JL 2001 Flight trajectories of foraging insects: observations using harmonic radar. Pp. 129-157 in Insect Movement: Mechanisms and Consequences (IP Woiwod, DR Reynolds, & CD Thomas, eds) CAB International, Wallingford, UK. AN02433

 Russell,RW, Wilson,JW 2001 Spatial dispersion of aerial plankton over east-central Florida: aeolian transport and coastline concentrations. International Journal of Remote Sensing 22(11):2071-2082. AN02388

 Svensson,G, Valeur,PG, Reynolds,DR, Smith,AD, Riley,JR, Baker,TC, Poppy,GM, Lofstedt,C 2001 Mating disruption in Agrotis segetum monitored by harmonic radar. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 101:111-121. AN02487

 Weber,F, Heimbach,U 2001 Behavioural, reproductive and developmental seasonality in Carabus auronitens and Carabus nemoralis (Col., Carabidae). A demographic comparison between two co-existing spring breeding populations and tests for intra- and interspecific competition and for synchronizing weather events. Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Berlin und Braunschweig report 382, 194 pp. Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Berlin und Braunschweig: Berlin, Germany. AN03538

 Wu,KM, Cheng,DF, Xu,G, Zhai,BP, Guo,YY 2001 Radar observation of autumn migration of insects in Northern China. Acta Ecologica Sinica 21:1833-1838. [In Chinese, English summary.] AN02637

 Zhai,BP 2001 Entomological radar: from research to practice. Journal of Remote Sensing
5(3):231-240. [In Chinese, English summary.] AN02394


 Chapman,JW, Reynolds,DR, Smith,AD, Riley,JR, Pedgley,DE, Woiwod,IP 2002 High-altitude migration of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella to the U.K.: a study using radar, aerial netting, and ground trapping. Ecological Entomology 27:641-650. AN02548

 Chapman,JW, Smith,AD, Woiwod,IP, Reynolds,DR, Riley,JR 2002 Development of vertical-looking radar technology for monitoring insect migration. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 35:95-110. AN02533

 Cheng,DF, Wu,KM, Tian,Z, Wen,LP, Shen,ZR 2002 Acquisition and analysis of migration data from the digitised display of a scanning entomological radar. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 35:63-75. AN02531

Dean, TJ, Drake, VA 2002 Properties of biotic targets observed with an X-band radar profiler and the potential for bias in winds retrieved from Doppler weather radars. Pp. 698-711 in Images to Information. Proceedings, 11th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, 2-6 September 2002, Brisbane. Causal Productions: Adelaide. AN02545

Dean, TJ, Drake, VA, Harman, IT 2002 Monitoring agicultural insect pests and winds in the lower atmosphere using a low-cost mobile X-band profiling radar. Pp. 454-456 in Physics and Industry Working Together. Proceedings of the Australian Institute of Physics 15th Biennial Congress, 8-11 July 2002, Sydney. Australian Institute of Physics: Sydney. AN02547

Dekker,PL, Bajaj,AN, Frasier,SJ 2002 Radar and acoustic observations during VTMX field-campaign. In Preprints, 10th Conference on Mountain Meteorology and MAP Meeting 2002, Park City, Utah, USA, 17-21 June 2002, 4 pp. American Meteorological Society: Boston. AN03227

 Drake,VA 2002 Automatically operating radars for monitoring insect pest migrations. Entomologia Sinica 9(4):27-39. AN02558

 Drake,VA, Wang,HK, Harman,IT 2002 Insect monitoring radar: remote and network operation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 35:77-94. AN02532

 Drake,VA, Harman,IT, Wang,HK 2002 Insect monitoring radar: stationary-beam operating mode. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 35:111-137. AN02534

 Geerts,B, Leon,D, Haimov,S, Damiani,R 2002 Airborne Doppler radar observations of convective plumes and radar ‘fine lines’. (Extended Abstract, 14 pp.) in Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Radar Meteorology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-22 November 2002. EGS: Delft, The Netherlands. AN02982

Heijnen,SH, Klein-Baltink,H, Russchenberg,HWJ, Verlinde,H, van der Zwan,WF 2002 Boundary layer measurements with a 3GHz FMCW atmospheric profiler. In Preprints, 15th Conf. on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 15-18 July 2002, 4 pp. American Meteorological Society: Boston. AN03224

Khandwalla,A, Majurec,N, Sekelsky,SM, Williams,CR, Gage,KS 2002 Characterization of radar boundary layer data collected during the 2001 multi-frequency radar IOP. Twelth ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings, St Petersburg, Florida, April 8-12, 2002. Available online at ‹›. AN02599

 Kusunoki,K 2002 A preliminary survey of clear-air echo appearances over the Kanto Plain in Japan from July to December 1997. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 19:1063-1072. AN02546

 McCracken,GF, Westbrook,JK 2002 Bat patrol. Scientists discover that high-flying mammals are bad news for bugs. National Geographic 201(4, April 2002):114-123. AN02491

 Osborne,JL, Loxdale,HD, Woiwod,IP 2002 Monitoring insect dispersal: methods and approaches. Pp. 24-49 in Dispersal Ecology: the 42nd Symposium of the British Ecological Society held at the University of Reading, 2-5 April 2001 (JM Bullock, RE Kenward & RS Hails, eds) Blackwell Science: Malden, USA. AN02610

 Riley,JR, Smith,AD 2002 Design considerations for an harmonic radar to investigate the flight of insects at low altitude. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 35:151-169. AN02536


 Chapman,JW, Reynolds,DR, Smith,AD 2003 Vertical-looking radar: a new tool for monitoring high-altitude insect migration. BioScience 53(5):503-511. AN02568

 Feng,H-Q, Wu,K-M, Cheng,D-F, Guo,Y-Y 2003 Radar observations of the autumn migration of the beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and other moths in northern China. Bulletin of Entomological Research 93:115-124. AN02603

 Ince,T, Frasier,SJ, Muschinski,A, Pazmany,AL 2003 An S-band frequency-modulated continuous-wave boundary layer profiler: Description and initial results. Radio Science 38:1072-1081. AN02900

Khandwalla, A, Sekelsky, SM, Quante, M 2003 Algorithms for filtering insect echoes from cloud radar measurements. Thirteenth ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings, Broomfield, Colorado, Narch 31-April 4, 2003. Available online at <>. AN02600

 McLaughlin, SA, 2003 A new data acquisition system for the U.S. Army FM-CW radar: still a great way to see half-meter resolution. P1.20 (Extended Abstract, 5 pp.) in Program, 12th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 9-13 February 2003, Long Beach, CA. American Meteorological Society: Boston. Available online at <>. AN02642

 Mikkola,K 2003 Red admirals Vanessa atalanta (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) select northern winds on southwards migration. Entomologica Fennica 14:15-24. AN03026

 Riley,JR, Greggers,U, Smith,AD, Stach,S, Reynolds,DR, Stollhoff,N, Brandt,R, Schaupp,F, Menzel,R 2003 The automatic pilot of honeybees. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 270(5):2421-2424. AN02579

 Riley,JR, Smith,AD, Reynolds,DR 2003 The feasibility of using vertical-looking radar to monitor the migration of brown planthopper and other insect pests of rice in China. Entomologia Sinica 10(1):1-19. AN02567

 Westbrook,JK, Eyster,RS 2003 Nocturnal migrations of cotton insect pests indicated by Doppler radar observations. Pp. 997-1003 in Proceedings of the 2003 Beltwide Cotton Conference, Nashville, TN, USA, 6-10 January 2003. National Cotton Council of America and The Cotton Foundation. Available online at < AN03771


 Boiteau,G, Colpitts,B 2004 The potential of portable harmonic radar technology for the tracking of
beneficial insects. International Journal of Pest Management 50:233-242. AN02608

 Chapman,JW, Reynolds,DR, Smith,AD 2004 Migratory and foraging movements in beneficial insects: a review of radar monitoring and tracking methods. International Journal of Pest Management 50:225-232. AN02607

Cheng,DF, Wu,KM, Tian,Z, Wen,LP, Shen,ZR 2004 A data acquisition and analysis system for the scanning entomological radar. Plant Protection  30(2): 41-46. [In Chinese, English abstract.] AN02605

 Colpitts,BG, Boiteau,G 2004 Harmonic radar transceiver design: miniature tags for insect tracking. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 52:2825-2832. AN02638

 Feng,HQ, Wu,KM, Cheng,DF, Guo,YY 2004a Spring migration and summer dispersal of Loxostege sticticalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and other insects observed with radar in northern China. Environmental Entomology 33:1253-1265. AN02636

 Feng,HQ, Wu,KM, Cheng,DF, Guo,YY 2004b Northward migration of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and other moths in early summer observed with radar in northern China. Journal of Economic Entomology 97:1874-1883. AN02639

 Gallagher,FW III, Bowers,JF, Laufenberg,EJ, Argenta,EP Jr, Storwold,DP, McLaughlin,SA 2004 Possible detection of insects in an urban environment by a Frequency Modulated-Continuous Wave radar. P8.2 (Extended Abstract, 7 pp.) in Fifth Conference on Urban Environment, Vancouver, B.C., 23-26 August 2004. American Meteorological Society: Boston. Available online at <>. AN03076

 Harman,IT, Drake,VA 2004 Insect monitoring radar: analytical time-domain algorithm for retrieving trajectory and target parameters. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 43:23-41. AN02598

 Lang,TJ, Rutledge,SA, Stith,JL 2004 Observations of quasi-symmetric echo patterns in clear air with the CSU-CHILL polarimetric radar. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 21:1182-1189. AN02832

 Mankin,RW 2004 Microwave radar detection of stored-product insects. J. Economic Entomology 97:1168-1173. AN02618

 O’Neal,ME, Landis,DA, Rothwell,E, Kempel,L, Reinhard,D 2004 Tracking insects with harmonic radar: a case study. American Entomologist 50:212-218. AN02651

 Reike,H-P, 2004 Untersuchungen zum Raum-Zeit-Muster epigäischer Carabidae an der Wald-Offenland-Grenze [Investigations on space-time patterns in epigeous carabids at the edge of forest to open field]. PhD thesis, TU Dresden, Germany. Forstwissenschaftliche Beiträge Tharandt [Contributions to Forest Sciences] 21, 372 pp. AN03867

 Wang,HK, Drake,VA 2004 Insect monitoring radar: retrieval of wingbeat information from conical-scan observation data. Computers and Electronics in agriculture 43:209-222. AN02604

 Williams,DW, Li,G, Gao,R 2004 Tracking movements of individual Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) adults: application of harmonic radar. Environmental Entomology 33:644-649. AN02617

 Zhang,PF, Ryzhkov,A, Zrnić,D 2004 Detection of birds and insects using polarimetric radar observation. P5.13 (Extended Abstract, 5 pp.) in Preprints CD, 11th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Hyannis, MA, 3-8 October 2004. American Meteorological Society: Boston. Available online at <>. AN02828


 Bachmann,S, Zrnić,D 2005 Spectral polarimetry for identifying and separating mixed biological scatterers. P9R.5 (Extended abstract, 6 pp.) in Preprints CD, 32nd International Conference on Radar Meteorology, Albuquerque, NM, 24-29 October 2005. American Meteorological Society: Boston. Available online at <>. AN02833

 Brazee,RD, Miller,ES, Reding,ME, Klein,MG, Nudd,B, Zhu,H 2005 A transponder for harmonic radar tracking of the black vine weevil in behavioral research. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers B 48:831-838. AN02864

 Cant,ET, Smith,AD, Reynolds,DR, Osborne,JL 2005 Tracking butterfly flight paths across the landscape with harmonic radar. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 272:785-790. AN02645

 Chapman,JW, Reynolds,DR, Smith,AS, Riley,JR, Telfer,MG, Woiwod,IP 2005 Mass aerial migration in the carabid beetle Notiophilus biguttatus. Ecological Entomology 30:264-272. AN02654

 Dean,TJ, Drake,VA 2005 Monitoring insect migration with radar: the ventral-aspect polarization pattern and its potential for target identification. International Journal of Remote Sensing 26:3957-3974. AN02696

 Drake, VA 2005 Radar interrogation of high-flying insects: what bug is that? 4 pp. in 16th National Congress 2005 Australian Institute of Physics Congress Proceedings CD-ROM (M. Colla, ed.). Australian Institute of Physics: Sydney. AN02640

 Feng,HQ, Wu,KM, Ni,YX, Cheng,DF, Guo,YY 2005a High-altitude windborne transport of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in mid-summer in northern China. Journal of Insect Behaviour 18:335-349. AN02652

 Feng,HQ, Wu,KM, Ni,YX, Cheng,DF, Guo,YY 2005b Return migration of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) during autumn in northern China. Bulletin of Entomological Research 95:361-370. AN02697

 Geerts,B, Miao,Q 2005a Airborne radar observations of the flight behavior of small insects in the atmospheric convective boundary layer. Environmental Entomology 34:361-377. AN02647 [A parallel paper by the same authors, Environmental Entomology 34:353-360, develops a model accounting for the observations.]

 Geerts,B, Miao,Q 2005b The use of millimeter Doppler radar echoes to estimate vertical air velocities in the fair-weather convective boundary layer. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 22:225-246. AN02653

 Menzel,R, Greggers,U, Smith,AD, Berger,S, Brandt,R, Brunke,S, Bundrock,G, Hülse,S, Plümpe,T, Schaupp,F, Schüttler,E, Stach,S, Stindt,J, Stollhoff,N, Watzl,S 2005 Honey bees navigate according to a map-like spatial memory. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA 102:3040-3045. AN02648

 Reynolds,DR, Chapman,JW, Edwards,AS, Smith,AD, Wood,CR, Barlow,JF, Woiwod,IP 2005 Radar studies of the vertical distribution of insects migrating over southern Britain: the influence of temperature inversions on nocturnal layer concentrations. Bulletin of Entomological Research 95:259-274. AN02650

 Riley,JR 2005 Waggle dance controversy resolved by radar records of bee flight paths. Bee World 86(2):46-47. AN02659

 Riley,JR, Greggers, U, Smith, AD, Reynolds, DR & Menzel, R 2005 The flight paths of honeybees recruited by the waggle dance. Nature 435:205-7. AN02649


 Bachmann,S, Zrnić,D 2006 Spectral polarimetric VAD separates bird from insect (wind) velocities. P2.3, p. 96 (4 pp.) in Proceedings of ERAD 2006, Fourth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Barcelona, Spain, 18-22 September 2006. Publisher unknown: place of publication unknown. Available online at <>. AN02831

 Chapman,JW, Reynolds,DR, Brooks,SJ, Smith,AD, Woiwod,IP 2006 Seasonal variation in the migration strategies of the green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea species complex. Ecological Entomology 31:378-388. AN02825

 Feng,HQ, Wu,KM, Ni,YX, Cheng,DF, Guo,YY 2006 Nocturnal migration of dragonfiles over the Bohai Sea in northern China. Ecological Entomology 31:511-520. AN02815

 Geerts,B, Damiani,R, Haimov,S 2006 Finescale vertical structure of a cold front as revealed by an airborne Doppler radar. Monthly Weather Review 134:251-271. AN02998

 Hobbs,SE, Aldhous,AC 2006 Insect ventral radar cross-section polarisation dependence measurements for radar entomology. IEE Proceedings – Radar, Sonar and Navigation 153:502-508. AN02838

 Miao,Q, Geerts, B, LeMone, M 2006 Vertical velocity and buoyancy characteristics of coherent echo plumes in the convective boundary layer, detected by a profiling airborne radar. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 45:838-855. AN03314

 Milius,S 2006 The trouble with chasing a bee. Radar struggles to track backyard bugs. Science News 169:23-28. AN02846

 Wood,CR, Chapman,JW, Reynolds,DR, Barlow,JF, Smith,AD, Woiwod,IP 2006 The influence of the atmospheric boundary layer on nocturnal layers of noctuids and other moths migrating over southern Britain. International Journal of Biometeorology 50:193-204. AN02824

 Weiss,CC, Bluestein,HB, Pazmany,AL 2006 Finescale radar observations of the 22 May 2002 dryline during the International H2O Project (IHOP). Monthly Weather Review 134:273-293. AN03650

 Wu,KM, Zhai,BP, Feng,HQ, Cheng,DF, Guo,YY 2006 Radar observations on the migratory behavior of the second generation cotton bollworm moths in the north part of northern China. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 33(2):163–167. [In Chinese, English abstract.] AN03831

 Zhang,PF, Ryzhkov,A, Zrnić,D 2006 Polarimetric prototype of the WSR-88D radar observation of birds and insects. P6.4 (Extended Abstract, 10 pp.) in Preprints CD, 12th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Atlanta, GA, 28 January-3 February 2006. American Meteorological Society: Boston. Available online at <>. [A shorter version also appeared as paper 9R.6 in Preprints CD, 32nd Conference on Radar Meteorology, Albuquerque, NM, 22-29 October 2006. American Meteorological Society: Boston, MA.] AN02826

 Zhang,YH, Cheng,DF, Jiang,B, Chen,L, Qiao,HB 2006 Vertical-looking radar and its application. Pp. 642-646 in Science and Technology Innovation and Protection of the Unpolluted Plant (ZM Cheng, ed.) Agricultural Scientech &Technology Press: Beijing, China. [In Chinese.] AN02870


 Bachmann,S, Zrnić,D, 2007 Spectral density of polarimetric variables separating biological scatterers in the VAD display. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 24:1186-1198. AN02879

 Bachmann,S, Zrnić,D, 2007 Adaptive technique to extract intrinsic insects’ backscater differential phase from polarimetric spectra. 11B.3 (Extended abstract, 6 pp.) in Preprints CD, 33rd International Conference on Radar Meteorology, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 6-10 August 2007. American Meteorological Society: Boston. Available online at <>. AN03221

 Bachmann,S, Zrnić,D, 2007 Spectral densities of polarimetric variables for retrieving winds and determining scatterer types. P2.13 (Extended abstract, 4 pp.) in Preprints CD, 23rd Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 15-18 January 2007. American Meteorological Society: Boston. Available online at <>. AN03224

 Bachmann,S, Zrnić,D, DeBrunner,V, 2007 Polarimetric azimuthal spectral histogram exposes types of mixed scatterers and the cause for unexpected polarimetric averages. IV-113 in Proceedings, 2007 International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2007, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 16-19 September 2007. IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, USA. Available online at <>. AN03220

 Bachmann,S, Zrnić,D, DeBrunner,V, Yeary, M, 2007 Spectral analysis of polarimetric weather radar data with multiple processes in a resolution volume. II-309 in Proceedings, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 15-20 April 2007. IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, USA. Available online at <>. AN03219

 Contreras,RF, Frasier,SJ 2007 Return from insects in the clear-air convective boundary layer. Pp. 1677-1679 in Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 23-27 July 2007, Barcelona, Spain. IEEE: place of publication unknown. AN02892

 Dean,TJ, 2007 Development and Evaluation of Automated Radar Systems for Monitoring and Characterising Echoes from Insect Targets. PhD thesis, School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences, UNSW@ADFA, University of New South Wales. AN03402

 Feng,HQ, Zhang,YH, Wu,KM, Cheng,DF, Guo,YY 2007 Nocturnal windborne migration of ground beetles, particularly Pseudoophonus griseus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), in China. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 9:103-113. AN02871

 Hardersen,S 2007 Telemetry of Anisoptera after emergence – first results (Odonata). Journal of Odonatology 10:189-202 and plate 1. AN02881

 Martin,WJ, Shapiro,A 2007 Discrimination of bird and insect radar echoes in clear air using high-resolution radars. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 24:1215-1230. AN02861

 Riley,JR, Chapman,JW, Reynolds,DR, Smith,AD 2007 Recent applications of radar to entomology. Outlooks on pest management 2007(April):62-68. AN02857

 Reynolds,AM, Reynolds,DR, Smith,AD, Svensson,GP, Löfstedt,C 2007a Appetitive flight patterns of male Agrotis segetum moths over landscape scales. Journal of Theoretical Biology 245:141-149. AN02849

 Reynolds,AM, Smith,AD, Menzel,R, Greggers,U, Reynolds,DR, Riley,JR 2007b Displaced honey bees perform optimal scale-free search flights. Ecology 88(8):1955-1961. AN02859

 Reynolds,AM, Smith,AD, Reynolds,DR, Carreck,NL, Osborne, JL 2007c Honeybees perform optimal scale-free searching flights when attempting to locate a food source. Journal of Experimental Biology 210:3763-3770. [This paper was awarded the journal’s “Outstanding Paper Prize for 2007”.] AN02680.

 Wood,CR, 2007 The Biometeorology of High-Altitude Insect Layers. PhD thesis, University of Reading. AN03488

 Zhang,YH, Qiao,HB, Cheng,DF, Sun,JR 2007a Primary application of vertical-looking radar to tracking high-flying insects in China. Plant Protection [China] 33(3):23-26. [In Chinese, English abstract.] AN02868

 Zhang,YH, Chen,L, Cheng,DF, Zhang,YJ, Jiang,YY, Jiang,JW 2007b Radar observation and population analysis on the migration of the clover cutworm, Scotogramma trifoli Rottembert (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 50:494-500. [In Chinese, English abstract.] AN02869


 Bachmann,S, Zrnić,D, 2008 Three-dimensional attributes of clear-air scatterers observed with the polarimetric weather radar. IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters 5:231-235. AN03217

 Bennett,LJ, Blyth,AM, Browning,KA, Norton,EG 2008 Observations of the development of convection through a series of stable layers during the Convective Storm Initiation Project. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 134:2079-2091. AN03421

 Broll,A, Reike,H-P, Mau,M 2008 Aktivitätsmuster von Carabus auratus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) im Grünland – eine Harmonic-Radar-Studie. [Pattern of activity of Carabus auratus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in a grassland site – a harmonic radar study] Faunistische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 26:21-35. [In German, English abstract.] AN03864

 Chapman,JW, Nesbit,RL 2008 Mysteries of Lepidoptera migration revealed by entomological radar. Atropos 35:28-36. AN03039

 Chapman,JW, Reynolds,DR, Mouritsen,H, Hill,JK, Riley,JR, Sivell,D, Smith,AD, Woiwod,IP 2008a Wind selection and drift compensation optimize migratory pathways in a high-flying moth. Current Biology 18:514-518. Also Supplemental Data, 5pp. AN02989. See also commentary by RT Cardé (2008) Insect migration: do migrant moths know where they are heading? Current Biology 18:R472-R474. AN02990

 Chapman,JW, Reynolds,DR, Hill,JK, Sivell,D, Smith,AD, Woiwod,IP 2008b A seasonal switch in compass orientation in a high-flying migrant moth. Current Biology 18:R908-R909. AN02980. See also commentary by RT Cardé (2008) Animal migration: seasonal reversals of migrant moths. Current Biology 18:R1007-R1009. AN02991

 Contreras,RF, Frasier,SJ 2008 High-resolution observations of insects in the atmospheric boundary layer. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 25:2176-2187. AN03042

 Feng,HQ, Zhao,XC, Wu,XF, Wu,B, Wu,KM, Cheng,DF, Guo,YY 2008 Autumn migration of Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Nocutidae) over the Bohai Sea in Northern China. Environmental Entomology 37:774-781. AN02955

 Gao,YB, Chen,X, Chen,ZR, Bao,YX, Yang,RM, Liu,TL, Zhai,BP 2008 Dynamic analysis on the migration of the rice leaf roller Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) by Doppler Insect Monitoring Radar and numerical simulation. Acta Ecologica Sinica 28(12):1-10. [In Chinese, English abstract.] AN02997

 Gauthreaux,SA, Livingston,JWJr, Belser,CG 2008 Detection and discrimination of fauna in the aerosphere using Doppler weather surveillance radar. Integrative and Comparative Biology 48:12-23. AN02957

 Jackson,PL, Straussfogel,D, Lindgren,BS, Mitchell,S, Murphy,B 2008 Radar observation and aerial capture of mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopk. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in flight above the forest canopy. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38:2313-2327. doi:10.1139/X08.066 AN03592

 Kusunoki,K, Chagihira,T, Motodate,Y, Aoshima,T, Kobayashi,H, Taka,F, Mawashi,F, Hirakawa,Y, Kiyota,H 2008 A climatology of clear-air echoes from operational C-band Doppler radar in Japan. (Extended Abstract, 5 pp.) In ERAD 2008 – The Fifth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Helsinki, Finland, 30 June – 4 July 2008. Finnish Meteorological Institute: Helsinki. Available online AN02985

 Leskinen,M 2008 Observed polarimetric signals of insects. (Extended Abstract, 5 pp.) In ERAD 2008 – The Fifth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Helsinki, Finland, 30 June – 4 July 2008. Finnish Meteorological Institute: Helsinki. Available online AN02982

 Luke, EP, Kollias, P, Johnson,KL, Clothiaux,EE 2008 A technique for the automatic detection of insect clutter in cloud radar returns. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 25:1498-1513. AN03072

 Markkula,I, Ojanen,H, Tiilikkala,K, Raiskio,S, Pylkkö,P, Koistinen,J, Leskinen,M, Ooperi,S 2008 Insect migration case studies by polarimetric radar. (Extended Abstract, 3 pp.) In ERAD 2008 – The Fifth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Helsinki, Finland, 30 June – 4 July 2008. Finnish Meteorological Institute: Helsinki. Available online AN02983

 Ovaskainen,O, Smith,AD, Osborne,JL, Reynolds,DR, Carreck,NL, Martin,AP, Niitepõld,K, Hanski,I 2008 Tracking butterfly movements with harmonic radar reveals an effect of population age on movement distance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 105:19090-19095. AN02993

 Psychoudakis,D, Moulder,W, Chen,C-C, Zhu,H, Volakis, JL 2008 A portable low-power harmonic radar system and conformal tag for insect tracking. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 7:444-447. AN03347

 Pylkkö,P, Koistinen,J, Markkula,I, Ojanen,H, Tiilikkala,K, Raiskio,S, Leskinen,M, Ooperi,S 2008 Alarm system for insect migration using weather radars. (Extended Abstract, 3 pp.) In ERAD 2008 – The Fifth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Helsinki, Finland, 30 June – 4 July 2008. Finnish Meteorological Institute: Helsinki. Available online AN02986

 Rennie,S, Illingworth,A, Dance,S, Ballard,S 2008 Utilization of Doppler radar wind measurements from insect returns. (Extended Abstract, 5 pp.) In ERAD 2008 – The Fifth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Helsinki, Finland, 30 June – 4 July 2008. Finnish Meteorological Institute: Helsinki. Available online AN02984

 Reynolds,DR, Smith,AD, Chapman,JW 2008 A radar study of emigratory flight and layer formation by insects at dawn over southern Britain. Bulletin of Entomological Research 98:35-52. AN02898

 Stringer,IAN, Chappell,R 2008 Possible rescue from extinction: transfer of a rare New Zealand tusked weta to islands in the Mercury group. Journal of Insect Conservation 12:371-382. AN03531

 Wang,HK, 2008 Evaluation of Insect Monitoring Radar Technology for Monitoring Locust Migrations in Inland Eastern Australia. PhD thesis, School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences, UNSW@ADFA, University of New South Wales. AN03449

 Westbrook,JK 2008 Noctuid migration in Texas within the nocturnal aeroecological boundary layer. Integrative and Comparative Biology 48:99-106. AN02960

 Yang,XL, Chen,L, Cheng,DF, Sun,JR 2008 Primary application of millimetric scanning radar to tracking high-flying insects in southern China. Plant Protection (Beijing) 34(2):31-36. [In Chinese, English abstract.] AN03018

 Zhang,YH, Chen,L, Cheng,DF, Jiang,YY, Lu,Y 2008 The migratory behaviour and population source of the first generation of the meadow moth, Loxostege sticticalis L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in 2007. Acta Entomologica Sinica 51(7):720-727. [In Chinese, English abstract.] AN03851

 Zhang,YH, Chen,L, Cheng,DF, Tian,Z, Jiang,YY, Zhang,YJ 2008 Nocturnal migration of Coleoptera: Carabidae in North China. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 41(1):108-115. [In Chinese, English abstract. Also full English translation available in Agricultural Sciences in China 7(8):977-986 (2008).] AN02969


 Boiteau,G, Meloche,F, Vincent,C, Leskey,TC 2009 Effectiveness of glues used for harmonic radar tag attachment and impact on survival and behavior of three insect pests. Environmental Entomology 38:168-175. AN03052

 Feng,HQ, Wu,XF, Wu,B, Wu,KM 2009 Seasonal migration of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) over the Bohai Sea. Journal of Economic Entomology 102:95-104. AN03050

 Illingworth,A, Rennie,S 2009 Estimating winds using radar returns from insects. (4 pp.) In A. Apituley, H.W.J. Russchenberg, W.A.A. Monna (eds), Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, Delft, The Netherlands, October 2009. Available online AN03295

 Leskinen,M, Moisseev,D, Koistinen,J 2009 Meteorology of insect layers observed by weather radars. (4 pp.) In A. Apituley, H.W.J. Russchenberg, W.A.A. Monna (eds), Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, Delft, The Netherlands, October 2009. Available online AN03580

 Niitepõld,K, Smith,AD, Osborne,JL, Reynolds,DR, Carreck,NL, Martin,AP, Marden,JH, Ovaskainen,O, Hanski,I 2009 Flight metabolic rate and Pgi genotype influence butterfly dispersal rate in the field. Ecology 90:2223-2232. AN03100

 Reynolds,AM, Swain,JL, Smith,AD, Martin,AP, Osborne,JL 2009 Honeybees use a Lévy flight search strategy and odour-mediated anemotaxis to relocate food sources. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64:115-123. AN03112

 Wood,CR, O’Connor,EJ, Hurley,RA, Reynolds,DR, Illingworth,AJ 2009 Cloud-radar observations of insects in the UK convective boundary layer. Meteorological Applications 16:491-500. AN03130

 Wood,CR, Reynolds,DR, Wells,PM, Barlow,JF, Woiwod,IP, Chapman,JW 2009 Flight periodicity and the vertical distribution of hight-altitude moth migration over southern Britain. Bulletin of Entomological Research 99:525-535. AN03105

 Yang,XH, Henderson,G, Mao,LX, Evans,A 2009 Application of ground penetrating radar in detecting the hazards and risks of termites and ants in soil levees. Environmental Entomology38:1241-1249. AN03125


 Boiteau,G, Vincent,C, Meloche,F, Leskey,TC 2010 Harmonic radar: assessing the impact of tag weight on walking activity of Colorado potato beetle, plum curculio, and western corn rootworm. Journal of Economic Entomology 103:63-69. AN03393

 Chandra,AS, Kollias,P, Giangrande,SE, Klein,SA 2010 Long-term observations of the convective boundary layer using insect radar returns at the SGP ARM climate research facility. Journal of Climate 23:5699-5714. AN03308

 Chapman,JW, Nesbit,RL, Burgin,LE, Reynolds,DR, Smith,AD, Middleton,DR, Hill,JK 2010 Flight orientation behaviors promote optimal migration trajectories in high-flying insects. Science 327:682-685. AN03144

 Chilson,PB, Howard,KW, Frick,WF, Kelly,JF, Kunz,TH 2010 Radar aeroecology: the need for cohesive radar studies of organisms in the aerosphere. (6 pp.) In Proceedings, Sixth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Sibiu, Romania, 6-10 September 2010 (ERAD 2010). Available online AN03583 [Mayflies over Missisippi River.]

 Le Marshall,NWD, Tirkel,AZ 2010 Modified matrix pencil algorithm for termite detection with high resolution radar. Progress in Electromagnetics Research C 16:51-67. Available online AN03518

 Le Marshall,N, Rankin,G, Tirkel,A 2010 Hybrid array for the detection and imaging of termites. Pp. 288-291 in Proceedings, IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, 10-14 January 2010, New Orleans, LA, USA. IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, USA. AN03519

 Leskinen,M, Koistinen,J, Kyheröinen,E-M, Mikkola,K 2010 White nights and night flights. In Proceedings, Sixth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Sibiu, Romania, 6-10 September 2010 (ERAD 2010). 6 pp. Available online AN03558

 Melnikov,V, Leskinen,M, Koistinen,J 2010 Spectral polarimetric parameters of radar signals from atmospheric biota. In Proceedings, Sixth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Sibiu, Romania, 6-10 September 2010 (ERAD 2010). 8 pp. Available online AN03557

 Menzel,R, Fuchs,J, Nadler,L, Weiss,B, Kumbischinski,N, Adebiyi,D, Hartfil,S, Greggers,U 2010 Dominance of the odometer over serial landmark learning in honeybee navigation. Naturwissenschaften 97:763-767. AN03149

 Rennie,SJ, Illingworth,AJ, Dance,SL 2010a On differentiating ground clutter and insect echoes from Doppler weather radars using archived data. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 3:1843-1860. AN03297

 Rennie,SJ, Illingworth,AJ, Dance,SL, Ballard,SP 2010b The accuracy of Doppler radar wind retrievals using insects as targets. Meteorological Applications 17:419-432. AN03150

 Reynolds,AM, Reynolds,DR, Smith,AD, Chapman,JW 2010 Orientation cues for high-flying nocturnal insect migrants: do turbulence-induced temperature and velocity fluctuations indicate the mean wind flow? PLoS ONE 5:e15758 (6. pp). AN03257

 Reynolds,AM, Reynolds,DR, Smith,AD, Chapman,JW 2010 A single wind-mediated mechanism explains high-altitude ‘non-goal oriented’ headings and layering of nocturnally migrating insects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277:765-772. AN03289

 Viikari,V, Chisum,J, Seppa,H 2010 Wireless passive photo detector for insect tracking. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 52(10):2312-2315. AN03487

 Wood,CR, Clarke,SJ, Barlow,JF, Chapman,JW 2010 Layers of nocturnal insect migrants at high-altitude: the influence of atmospheric conditions on their formation. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 12:113-121. AN03142


 Ainslie,B, Jackson,PL 2011 Investigation into mountain pine beetle above-canopy dispersion using weather radar and an atmospheric dispersion model. Aerobiologia 27:51-65. doi:10.1007/s10453-010-9176-9 AN03719

 Alerstam,T, Chapman,JW, Bäckman,J, Smith,AD, Karlsson,H, Nilsson,C, Reynolds,DR, Klaassen,RHG, Hill,JK 2011 Convergent patterns of long-distance nocturnal migration in noctuid moths and passerine birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278:3074-3080. AN03303

 Aralimarad, P, Reynolds, AM, Lim, KaS, Reynolds, DR, Chapman, JW 2011 Flight altitude selection increases orientation performance in high-flying nocturnal insect migrants. Animal Behaviour 82:1221-1225. AN03311

 Boiteau,G, Vincent,C, Meloche,F, Leskey,TC, Colpitts, BG 2011 Harmonic radar: efficacy at detecting and recovering insects on agricultural host plants. Pest Management Science 67:213-219. AN03394

 Browning, KA, Nicol, JC, Marsham, JH, Rogberg, P, Norton, EG 2011 Layers of insect echoes near a thunderstorm and implications for the interpretation of radar data in terms of airflow. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137:723-735 [‘Early version’ available.]. AN03299

 Chapman,JW, Drake,VA, Reynolds,DR 2011 Recent insights from radar studies of insect flight. Annual Review of Entomology 56:337-356. AN03252

 Dokter,AM, Liechti,F, Stark,H, Delobbe,L, Tabary,P, Holleman,I 2011 Bird migration flight altitudes studied by a network of operational weather radars. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8:30-43. [Discusses discrimination of bird and insect echo.] AN03212

 Feng,H 2011 Applications of radar in entomological research. Plant Protection (China) 37(5):1-13. [In Chinese, English abstract.] AN03855

 Gui,L-Y, Huang,X-Q, Li, C-R 2011 The development and the use of insect harmonic radar. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 48:732—738. [In Chinese, English abstract.] AN03616

 Gui,L-Y, Huang,X-Q, Li, C-R, Boiteau,G 2011 Validation of harmonic radar tags to study movement of Chinese citrus fly. Canadian Entomologist 143:415-422. AN03318

 Le Marshall,NWD, Tirkel,AZ 2011 MIMO radar array for termite detection and imaging. Progress in Electromagnetics Research B 28:75-94. Available online AN03515

 Leskinen,M, Markkula,I, Koistenen,J, Pylkko,P, Ooperi,S, Siljamo,P, Ojanen,H, Raisko,S, Tiilikkala,K 2011 Pest insect immigration warning by an atmospheric dispersion model, weather radars and traps. Journal of Applied Entomology 135:55-67. AN03143

 Lothon,M, Campistron,B, Chong,M, Couvreux,F, Guichard,F, Rio,C, Williams,E 2011 Life cycle of a mesoscale circular gust front observed by a C-band Doppler radar in West Africa. Monthly Weather Review 139:1370-1388. doi:10.1175/2010MWR3480.1 AN03551

Matkovich,C, 2011 Radar aeroecology: mesoscale nocturnal avian migration and using radar cross section to distinguish among target types. MSc thesis, Department of Biology, Acadia University, Canada. 102 pp. AN03690

 Menzel,R, Kirbach,A, Haass,WD, Fischer,B, Fuchs,J, Koblofsky,M, Lehmann,K, Reiter,L, Meyer,H, Nguyen,H, Jones,S, Norton,P, Greggers,U 2011 A common frame of reference for learned and communicated vectors in honeybee navigation. Current Biology 21:645-650. AN03320

 Rennie,S, Dance,SL, Illingworth,AJ, Ballard,SP, Simonin,D 2011 3D-var assimilation of insect-derived Doppler radar radial winds in convective cases using a high-resolution model. Monthly Weather Review 139:1148-1163. AN03307

 Tahir,N,Brooker,G 2011 Recent developments and recommendations for improving harmonic radar tracking systems. Pp. 1531-1535 in Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Rome, 11-15 April 2011. IEEE/ European Association on Antennas and Propagation. AN03321

 Wang,RJ, Ovaskainen,O, Cao,YD, Chen,HQ, Zhou,Y, Xu,CR, Hanski,I 2011 Dispersal in the Glanville fritillary butterfly in fragmented versus continuous landscapes: comparison between three methods. Ecological Entomology 36:251-261. AN03296

 Zhu,H, Psychoudakis,D, Brazee,RD, Thistle,HW, Volakis,JL 2011 Capability of patch antennas in a portable harmonic radar systems to track insects. Transactions of the ASABE 54(1):355-362. AN03482


 Beyaert,L, Greggers,U, Menzel,R 2012 Honeybees consolidate navigation memory during sleep. Journal of Experimental Biology 215:3981-3988. AN03675

 Chapman,JW, Bell,JR, Burgin,LE, Reynolds,DR, Pettersson,LB, Hill,JK, Bonsall, MB, Thomas, JA 2012 Seasonal migration to high latitudes results in major reproductive benefits in an insect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 109(37):14924-14929. AN03327

 Chilson,PB, Bridge,E, Frick,WF, Chapman,JW, Kelly,JF 2012 Radar aeroecology: exploring the movements of aerial fauna through radio-wave remote sensing. Biology Letters 8:698-701. AN03322

 Chilson,PB, Frick,WF, Kelly,JF, Howard,KW, Larkin,RP, Diehl,RH, Westbrook,JK, Kelly, TA, Kunz,TH, 2012 Partly cloudy with a chance of migration: weather, radars, and aeroecology. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 93(5):669-686. AN03330

 Chilson,PB, Frick,WF, Stepanian,PM, Shipley,JR, Kunz,TH, Kelly,JF 2012 Estimating animal densities in the aerosphere using weather radar: to Z or not to Z. Ecosphere 3(8): article 72 (19 pp.). AN03329

 Drake,VA, Reynolds,DR 2012 Radar Entomology. Observing Insect Flight and Migration. CABI: Wallingford, UK. 489 pp. AN03383. See publisher’s page <>.

 Gui,L-Y, Boiteau,G, Colpitts,BG, MacKinley,P, McCarthy,PC 2012 Random movement pattern of fed and unfed adult Colorado potato beetles in bare-ground habitat. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 14:59-68. AN03319

 Huang,X-Q, Li,C-R, Wang,F-L, Gui,L-Y 2012 Advances in insect harmonic radar tags. Journal of Environmental Entomology 34:504-514. [In Chinese, English abstract.] doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-0858.2012.04.16 AN03617

 Hubbert,JC, Dixon,M 2012 Interesting non-meteorological, Dual Polarimetric data from DYNAMO/CINDY over the Indian Ocean. (6 pp.) In ERAD 2012 – the seventh European conference on radar in meteorology and hydrology, Toulouse, France, 25-29 June 2012. Available online at <>. AN03430

Khandwalla, A, Sekelsky, SM, Li, L., Bergada, M 2001 Theory and observations between Ka-band and W-band to explain scattering differences from insects. Eleventh ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings, Atlanta, Georgia, March 19-23, 2001. Available online at <>. AN03070

 Leskinen,M, Rojas,L, Mikkola,K 2012b Weather radar observations of Underwing moth immigrations to Finland. (5 pp.) In ERAD 2012 – the seventh European conference on radar in meteorology and hydrology, Toulouse, France, 25-29 June 2012. Available online at <>. AN03428

 Leskinen,M, Moisseev,D, Koistinen,J, Markkula,I 2012c Migrating insects observed by weather radar in traps. (4 pp.) In ERAD 2012 – the seventh European conference on radar in meteorology and hydrology, Toulouse, France, 25-29 June 2012. Available online at <>. AN03429

 Leskinen,M, Savijärvi,H, Lautaportti,S, Mikkola,K 2012a Channelling effect of the coastline and radar observed insect migration. (6 pp.) In ERAD 2012 – the seventh European conference on radar in meteorology and hydrology, Toulouse, France, 25-29 June 2012. Available online at <>. AN03426

 Lihoreau,M, Raine,NE, Reynolds,AM, Stelzer,RJ, Lim,KaS, Smith,AD, Osborne,JL, Chittka,L 2012 Radar tracking and motion-sensitive cameras on flowers reveal the development of pollinator multi-destination routes over large spatial scales. PLoS Biology 310(9):e1001392 (13 pp.). AN03392

Machial,LA, Lindgren,BS, Steenweg,RW, Aukema,BH 2012 Dispersal of warren root collar weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in three types of habitat. Environmental Entomology 41(3):578-586. AN03615

 Menzel,R, Lehmann,K, Manz,G, Fuchs,J, Koblofsky,M, Greggers,U 2012 Vector integration and novel shortcutting in honeybee navigation. Apidologie 43:229-243. AN03530

 Rankin,GA, Tirkel,AZ, Bui,LQ, Le Marshall,NWD 2012 Radar imaging: conventional and MIMO. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), 1-3 August 2012, Hue, Vietnam, pp. 171-176. IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, USA. AN03516

 Rennie, S 2012 Doppler weather radar in Australia. CAWCR Technical Report No. 55, 42 pp. Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research: Melbourne, Australia. AN02428

 Tahir,N,Brooker,G 2012 Millimetre wave band unbiased harmonic transponder. 37th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Wollongong, Australia, 23-28 September 2012. IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, USA. 2 pp. AN03493

 Tahir,N,Brooker,G 2012 Millimetre wave band microstrip patch antennas for harmonic transponders. 37th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Wollongong, Australia, 23-28 September 2012. IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, USA. 2 pp. AN03691

Tsai,Z-M, Jau,P-H, Kuo,N-C, Kao,J-C, Lin,K-Y, Chang,F-R, Yang,E-C, Wang,H 2012 A High Range Resolution 9.4/18.8 GHz Harmonic Radar for Bees Searching. Digest, International Microwave Symposium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 17-22 June 2012. IEEE: Piscataway, New Jersey, USA. 3 pp. NIB00008

Zhang,Z, Zhang,Y-H, Jiang,Y-Y, Shi,B-C, Cheng,D-F, Jiao,R-G 2012 Progress in vertical-looking insect monitoring radar. Acta Entomologica Sinica 55(7):849-859. [In Chinese, English abstract.] AN03574


 Bell,JR, Aralimarad,P, Lim,KaS, Chapman,JW,2013 Predicting insect migration density and speed in the daytime convective boundary layer. PLoS ONE 8(1):e54202, 9 pp. AN03386

 Chapman,JW, Lim,KaS, Reynolds,DR 2013 The significance of midsummer movements of Autographa gamma: Implications for a mechanistic understanding of orientation behavior in a migrant moth. Current Zoology 59(3):360-370. AN03467

 Drake,VA 2013 Signal processing for ZLC-configuration insect-monitoring radars: yields and sample biases. In Radar 2013. International Conference on Radar, 9-12 September 2013, Adelaide, South Australia, pp. 298-303. IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, USA. AN03418

 Drake,VA, Wang,HK 2013 Recognition and characterization of migratory movements of Australian plague locusts, Chortoicetes terminifera, with an insect monitoring radar. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 7(1): article 075095 (17 pp.). doi:10.1117/1.JRS.7.075095 Available online AN03486.

 Greggers,U, Schöning,C, Degen, J, Menzel, R 2013 Scouts behave as streakers in honeybee swarms. Naturwissenschaften 100:805-809. AN03473

 Jeffries,DL, Chapman, Roy,HE, Humphries,S, Harrington,R, Brown,PMJ, Lawson Handley,L-J 2013 Characteristics and drivers of high-altitude ladybird flight: insights from vertical-looking entomological radar. PLOS One 8(12):e82278 (12 pp.). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082278 AN03555

 Jiang,Y, Xu,Q, Zhang,P, Nai,K, Liu,L 2013 Using WSR-88D polarimetric data to identify bird-contaminated Doppler velocities. Advances in Meteorology 2013:769275 (13 pp.). AN03579

 Lihoreau,M, Raine,NE, Reynolds,AM, Stelzer,RJ, Lim,KaS, Smith,AD, Osborne,JL, Chittka,L 2013 Unravelling the mechanisms of trapline foraging in bees. Communicative and Integrative Biology 6(1):e22701 (4 pp.). AN03584 [Addendum to Lihoreau et al. (2012).]

 Mariam,N, 2013 Towards The Development of Millimetre Wave Harmonic Transponders for Tracking Small Insects. PhD thesis, Australian Centre for Field Robotics, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Sydney. AN03481

 Menzel,R, Greggers,U, 2013 Guidance by odors in honeybee navigation. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199:867-873. AN03514

 Pilkay,GL, Reay-Jones,FPF, Green,JK, 2013 Harmonic radar tagging for tracking movement of Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Environmental Entomology 45:1020-1026. AN03552

 Osborne,JL, Smith,AD, Clark,SJ, Reynolds,DR, Barron,MC, Lim,KaS, Reynolds,AM, 2013 The ontogeny of bumblebee flight trajectories: from naïve explorers to experienced foragers. PLoS ONE 8(11): article e78681 (11 pp.) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078681. Available online AN03553

 Reynolds,AM, Schultheiss,P, Cheng,K, 2013 Are Lévy flight patterns derived from the Weber-Fechner law in distance estimation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67:1219-1226. AN03479

 Stefanescu,C, Páramo,F, Åkesson,S, Alarcón,M, Ávila,A, Brereton,T, Carnicer,J, Cassar,LF, Fox,R, Heliölä,J, Hill,JK, Hirneisen,N, Kjellén,N, Kühn,E, Kuussaari,M, Leskinen,M, Liechti,F, Musche,M, Regan,EC, Reynolds,DR, Roy,DB, Ryrholm,N, Schmaljohann,H, Settele,J, Thomas,CD, van Swaay,C, Chapman,JW, 2013 Multi-generational long-distance migration of insects: studying the painted lady butterfly in the Western Palaearctic. Ecography 36(4):474-486. AN03478

 Tsai,Z-M, Jau,P-H, Kuo,N-C, Kao,J-C, Lin,K-Y, Chang,F-R, Yang,E-C, Wang,H, 2013 A high-range-accuracy and high-sensitivity harmonic radar using pulse pseudorandom code for bee searching. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 61(1):666-675. AN03565

 Zhang,Y-H, Zhang,Z, Li,C-R, Jiang,Y-Y, Zeng,J, Cheng,D-F, 2013 Seasonal migratory behavior of Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Northeast China. Acta Entomologica Sinica 56(12):1418-1429. AN03562


Bluestein,HB, Snyder,JC, Thiem,KJ, Wienhoff,ZB, Reif,D, Turner,D 2014 Doppler-radar observations of a prefrontal wind-shift line in the Southern Plains of the U. S. ERAD 2014 – 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, 1-5 September 2014, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Abstract 013 MES.P01. ERAD. 7 pp. NIB00011. Available online

 Cheeseman,JF, Millar,CD, Greggers,U, Lehmann,K, Pawley,MDM, Gallistelf,CR, Warman,GR, Menzel,R, 2014 Way-finding in displaced clock-shifted bees proves bees use a cognitive map. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences 111(24):8949-54. (doi/10.1073/pnas.1408039111) AN03569

 Drake,VA 2014 Estimation of unbiased insect densities and density profiles with vertically pointing entomological radars. International Journal of Remote Sensing 35(3):4630-4654. AN03570

 Fischer,J, Müller,T, Spatz,A-K, Greggers,U, Grünewald,B, Menzel,R 2014 Neonicotinoids interfere with specific components of navigation in honeybees. PLoS ONE 9(3):e91364. AN03678

 Fu,X, Liu,Y, Li,C, Liu,Y, Li,Y, Wu,K 2014 Seasonal migration of Apolygus lucorum (Hemiptera: Miridae) over the Bohai Sea in northern China. Journal of Economic Entomology 107(4):1399-1410. AN03581

Hannesen,R, Kauczok,S, Weipert,A 2014 Quality of clear-air radar radial velocity data: Do insects matter? ERAD 2014 – 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, 1-5 September 2014, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Abstract ID 055. ERAD. 17 pp. AN03639. Available online

Jau,P-H, Tsai,Z-M, Kuo,N-C, Kao,J-C, Lin,K-Y, Chang,F-R, Yang,E-C, Wang,H 2014 Signal processing for harmonic pulse radar based on spread spectrum technology. IET Radar Sonar and Navigation 8(3):242-250. NIB00007

Kissling,WD, Pattemore,DE, Hagen,M 2014 Challenges and prospects in the telemetry of insects. Biological Reviews 89:511-530. doi:10.1111/brv.12065 AN03817

Lee,D-H, Park,C-G, Seo,BY, Boiteau,G, Vincent,C, Leskey,TC 2014 Detectability of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) by portable harmonic radar in agricultural landscapes. Florida Entomologist 97(3):1131-1138. doi:10.1653/024.097.0320 AN03608

 Melnikov,V, Leskinen,M, Koistinen,J, 2014 Doppler velocities at orthogonal polarizations in radar echoes from insects and birds. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11(3):592-596. AN03564

 Qi,H, Jiang,C, Zhang,Y, Yang,X, Cheng,D, 2014 Radar observations of the seasonal migration of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål) in Southern China. Bulletin of Entomological Research 104(6):731-741 doi:10.1017/S0007485314000558 AN03585

 Rennie,SJ, 2014 Common orientation and layering of migrating insects in southeastern Australia observed with a Doppler weather radar. Meteorological Applications 21(2):218-229 doi:10.1002/met.1378 AN03461

 Shamoun-Baranes,J, Alves,JA, Bauer,S, Dokter,AM, Hüppop,O, Koistinen,J, Leijnse,H, Liechti,F, van Gasteren,H, Chapman,JW, 2014 Continental-scale radar monitoring of the aerial movements of animals. Movement Ecology 2:9. AN03566

 Stepanian,PM, Chilson,PB, Kelly,JF, 2014 An introduction to radar image processing in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5(8):730-738. [Also two online appendices.] AN03577

 Westbrook,JK, Eyster,RS, Wolf,WW, 2014 WSR-88D Doppler radar detection of corn earworm moth migration. International Journal of Biometeorology 58(5):931-940. AN03676

 Wolf,S, McMahon,DP, Lim,KS, Pull,CD, Clark,SJ, Paxton,RJ, Osborne,JL, 2014 So near and yet so far: harmonic radar reveals reduced homing ability of Nosema infected honeybees. PLoS ONE 9(8):e103989. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103989 (15 pp.) Available online AN03576


Balbuena,MS, Tison,L, Hahn,M-L, Greggers,U, Menzel,R, Farina,WM 2016 Effects of sublethal doses of glyphosate on honeybee navigation. Journal of Experimental Biology 218:2799-2805 doi:10.1242/jeb.117291. AN03596

Bromenshank,JJ, Henderson,CB, Seccomb,RA, Welch,PM, Debnam,SE, Firth,DR 2015 Bees as biosensors: chemosensory ability, honey bee monitoring systems, and emergent sensor technologies derived from the pollinator syndrome. Biosensors 5:678-711. doi:10.3390/bios5040678. NIB00010

Chapman,JW, Nilsson,C Lim,KS, Bäckman,J, Reynolds,DR, Alerstam,T, Reynolds,AM 2015 Detection of flow direction in high-flying insect and songbird migrants. Current Biology 25:R733–R752. [Also supplementary material.] doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.07.074 AN03595

Chapman,JW, Reynolds,DR, Wilson,K 2015 Long-range seasonal migration in insects: mechanisms, evolutionary drivers and ecological consequences. Ecology Letters 18:287–302. [Also supplementary information.] doi:10.1111/ele.12407 AN03586

Collett,TS, Graham,P 2015 Insect navigation: do honeybees learn to follow highways? Current Biology 25:R240–R241. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.11.003 AN03643

Degen,J, Kirbach,A, Reiter,L, Lehmann,K, Norton,P, Storms,M, Koblofsky,M, Winter,S, Georgieva,PB, Nguyen,H, Chamki,H, Greggers,U, Menzel,R 2015 Exploratory behaviour of honeybees during orientation flights. Animal Behaviour 102:45-57. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2014.12.030 AN03587

 Gürbüz,SZ 2015 Identification of biological signals with radar. ENRAM Short-Term Scientific Mission Report, 15 pp. European Network for the Radar surveillance of Animal Movement. AN03689

Gürbüz,SZ, Reynolds,DR, Koistinen,J, Liechti,F, Leijnse,H, Shamoun-Baranes,J, Dokter,AM, Kelly,J, Chapman,JW 2015 Exploring the skies: technological challenges in radar aeroecology. Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference (RadarCon 2015), 10-15 May 2015, Arlington, VA, USA, 0817-0822. doi:10.1109/RADAR.2015.7131108 AN03593

Hsu,M-L, Jan,S-J, Tsai,Z-M, Wang,H, Chang,F-R, Jau,P-H, Lin,K-Y, Yang,E-C 2015 Portable 9.4/18.8 GHz harmonic radar system Using pulse pseudorandom code principle. Proceedings of the 45th European Microwave Conference, 7-10 September 2015, Paris, France, 885-888. NIB00006

Melnikov,VM, Istok,MJ, Westbrook,JK 2015 Asymmetric radar echo patterns from insects. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 32: 659-674. doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00247 AN03588

Melnikov,VM, Zrnić,DS, Burgess,DW, Mansell,ER 2015 Vertical extent of thunderstorm inflows revealed by polarimetric radar. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 32: 1860-674. doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0096 AN03598

Menzel,M, Greggers,U, 2015 The memory structure of navigation in honeybees. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 201:547–561. AN03590

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Bibliography continues on page Bibliography 2016-present

This page last revised 2022Jul09.